Cooking may be as much a means of self-expression as any of the arts.

"...booksellers really are a special breed. No one in their right mind would take up clerking in a bookstore for the salary, and no one in his right mind would want to own one - the margin of profit is too small. So, it has to be a love of readers and reading that makes them do it - along with first dibs on the new books." (The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Society by Shaffer & Barrows)

Friday, February 3, 2012

EPIC WEEKEND! (sheesh!) and Arbor Day!

Dear three followers :-) I have been counting down to this weekend off since Pre-Thanksgiving. And do not get me wrong, I love the rain - I do. But, and it's a BIG one... this was my outdoor fun weekend. My digging up some dirt, planning the garden, playing with the dogs outside and lots more kind of weekend. As you can see by my lovely weekend forecast - this will not be happening. I was able to head to the store though. I purchased some seed packets, starter pots (that can be planted straight into the dirt come transplant time) and some soil. So get ready kitchen garden - here we go...

These are mainly the herbs that I plan to keep in the kitchen
And a couple of Kids Greenhouses. :-)
The kids greenhouses are Sweet Pepper and Cucumber. The starter pots have Sage, Rosemary, Thyme, Chives and Parsley. Malakai had previously picked out these 'Two Pot Grow Kits' that we got in Sweet Basil, Cilantro and Boy Oh Boy tomatoes. While shopping, I decided that on the patio, I am going to also grow a HOT & SPICY garden with lots of peppers and chili's. :-) I saw this cute one at Walmart, but I figured we can find a cute planter, and paint chili's on it. Just a thought. We still have raised beds, and lots more to get before its complete - but I am starting.

Malakai's 2012 arbor Day Tree
This brings me to Arbor Day. I do not recall Arbor Day being a big deal when I was a child. Now that I know the state of our environment, this saddens me. Malakai came home with a baby tree yesterday, and he is so excited to plant it. I do need to see what type of tree it is, so we know how to best care for the tree. Over 135 years ago, J. Sterling Morton set aside a day for his simple idea of just planting trees. I wonder if he knew that this day would be critical for our environment and for the future of our children. I am excited that Malakai is so excited for this important day. He is an avid nature and animal lover. He has this amazing heart, and that is probably my most favorite thing about him. I know that he will do great things. :-) Now, National Arbor Day is the last Friday is April - but, each state takes a different day to observe Arbor Day that better suites the act of planting trees. (Smart idea!) Mississippi takes the 2nd Friday in February to plant some trees. So, February 10th - we are planting this baby tree of his. I urge you to click on the link I have attached, see when your state is observing this day, and see what you can do to celebrate. Arbor Day Map of Celebration!  I cannot wait to use my homegrown ingredients in my Crockpot and Wok. Pretty soon all my topics will end up in one BIG pot... Until next garden blog...

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