Cooking may be as much a means of self-expression as any of the arts.

"...booksellers really are a special breed. No one in their right mind would take up clerking in a bookstore for the salary, and no one in his right mind would want to own one - the margin of profit is too small. So, it has to be a love of readers and reading that makes them do it - along with first dibs on the new books." (The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Society by Shaffer & Barrows)

Sunday, May 5, 2013

An 8 Year Old, a 4 Year Old and a 3 Year Old...

A broken laptop and 50 Shades of Grey can cause someone like me to be MIA in the blogverse for 6 months. BUT... Have no fear:

my kids may still be 8,4 and 3... But, my laptop is working and I am done with the obsession known as Fifty Shades of Grey. :-) I am still Crockpot Crazy, Frugal as I can be while working full time and finding time to sleep when I am not reading. Which leads into my next portion of the lost 6 months...

Fifty Shades, Crossfire, the Host, a little Janet Evanovich, some Karen Marie Moning and Real Vampires with Gerry Bartlett... I have been all over the world in the last 6 months. While my husband will claim I haven't left the couch... These books took me places. Almost 2 years since Borders shut their doors, and I am still the crazy person who packed FIVE books for an 8 day vacation with my 2 youngest. I read TWO! Charlie Tango sighting ever since. One day, I will find myself embracing the book world for a living again. I ask one thing of each of you - DO NOT forget the adventures you had reading Goosebumps or Hardy Boys. The love you felt reading Twilight, for you TWIHARDS. Or the first time you stayed up til 2 in the morning reading a sci-fi book because you couldn't figure what was going to happen, and YOU couldn't go to sleep not knowing. I remember in 10th grade, when I first picked up Harry Potter. That was 1999-2000, and it wasn't until 10 years later when the saga ended. It was a part of my childhood. And if you read on your Nook, Kindle or that good old fashion PAPER book, don't ever stop. Our kids need to love getting lost in a book. My kids love bookstores and libraries. (THANK GOD for that, or they would be bored at the amount of time I spend in them.) I hear parents talking their kids out of the book they are asking for and offering a toy instead. ARE YOU CRAZY? Your kid wants to read!!! Embrace it. When they are in high school and have to read Dickens, Austen, Shakespeare and so on... They will have no fear... and NO cliff notes at the last minute in lieu of the novel...*off my literary soapbox now*

In short, I am back and curious as to what I am going to cook in my Crockpots next... For now, I am off to work y'all! Have a margarita for me on this chilly Cinco de Mayo!

Til next blog...