Cooking may be as much a means of self-expression as any of the arts.

"...booksellers really are a special breed. No one in their right mind would take up clerking in a bookstore for the salary, and no one in his right mind would want to own one - the margin of profit is too small. So, it has to be a love of readers and reading that makes them do it - along with first dibs on the new books." (The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Society by Shaffer & Barrows)

Monday, September 2, 2013

The Mother of ALL rants... today, at least!

My blog is a lot of fun for me. I love finding awesome and FRUGAL stuff to do with my kids. I adore my husband, and LOVE my Crockpot. My books, they are like my boyfriend. And my husband occasionally gets jealous of the time spent with the books on my shelves. But, when he is gaming and I am reading... All is well in the Crook World.

THIS IS NOT ONE OF THOSE BLOGS! This is a WHAT IRKS me today blog... Enjoy!

1) Retail should be a REQUIRED class before graduating high school.

Call me crazy (I will answer!) I love retail management. I cannot do the same thing over and over. Drives me up the wall. You don't get that in retail. You get all different kinds of customers and all different kinds of employees. And I love it. Even the crazies. I have been called everything from a pregnant bitch to a racist, and yet I still come back. In defense of the lady who called me a pregnant bitch:  1)Yes, I was pregnant. 2) Yes, I was a BITCH after, and only after having to deal with you. (Ask my co-workers!) In defense of the lady who told me I would not help her because she was of a different ethnicity: 1) I tried to help. 2) Not that it is ANY of your damn business, but my husband and THREE kids share your ethnicity.

With that being said, I understand that you are the customer and I work to ensure you have a pleasant time in my store. I actually enjoy that fact. It is a controllable, and I love being able to control the controllables. But, you would never believe what else is a controllable? Your attitude! Your ability to treat us retail employees like human beings. I am constantly approached by people who don't understand why I can't help them THIS second. (I am helping someone else THIS second, and think for just a second how you would feel if I stopped helping you to help them!)

Just trust me, Mr. President - make everyone work ONE holiday season, Black Friday included before you release the wolves to the rest of us, and everyone will be happier. I know that retail employees are NOT magic elves. Just because you think we can give you that item at 90% off because that is how YOU read the sign, doesn't mean we can. And please, call the BBB on us. I am sure, those kind folks who have probably worked retail before are going to TOTALLY going to understand how you interrupted the sign.

Final note on #1, this is my REAL JOB! You calling my job any less is insulting. After all, if I wasn't there to take the brunt of your abrasive and abusive talk, your husbands and wives would probably leave you!

2) Door Knobs

This rant is partially due to the lack of sleep I got this morning due to a door knob! I understand the security purposes of door knobs. The books and PS3 in our house are grateful for not being stolen due to doorknobs, but in the house. EVERY door knob (bathrooms in particular) should have a secret parental unlock button on the outside.


Enter 3 year old who locks himself in the bathroom.

Enter Mom working on 4 hours of sleep with hammer.

45 minutes later, 3 year old out and Mom blogging half asleep with a demolished door knob next to her laptop.



This last topic today is more brought to you by the jealously I have that my children will never know card catalogs at the library or the insane amount of time "googling" research in those damn encyclopedias. I think kids need to know our pain. I had to hear about how our parents had to walk so and so miles in the snow to school everyday. YEAH, I am sure guys: We lived in San Diego, California. If it snowed, the entire city would shut down! And also, I walked to school! Plus, you didn't have cell phones and email. Well, I had a pager. And we had to make codes for letters from the numbers. At a young age, my generation was bilingual in "Pager Talk" 1 70173 17 or 143637. We still had to be creative! My 3 year old can work my phone and the Ipod better than me. My kids can lock me out of electronics! (and bathrooms, see #2!) Yeah, ok... I am jealous! But, I do feel better now... :) Thank you Interweb for listening...

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